1. The end of illusion.
God, or Love, isn't tangled up in the mess of good and evil. These are human constructs, illusions at best. With God, there’s no debt to settle, no cosmic bill to pay. The notion that we owe something or that there’s a price for salvation? Fiction.
Ignorance? It’s simply the state of being blind to truth — sleepwalking through the dream of separation. Illumination? That’s when the blinders come off, and you see, not with the body’s eyes, but with the eyes of the soul. The funny thing? There are no ethics in Heaven. Ethics are a man-made game of right and wrong, rules we created to navigate our chaos. Heaven doesn’t need rules. It just is. Pure, unchanging, and beyond all forms.
And guess what? Everyone gets illuminated — eventually. There’s no rush, no competition. It's inevitable. You can fight it, resist, but you’re destined to wake up.
Christ didn’t come to die for sins that never existed. He came to meet us where we think we are — in the muck of guilt, shame, and fear. He meets us there, but only because we believe we’re stuck. The truth? We’ve been free all along.
This isn’t about playing nice or following the rules. It’s about letting go of every illusion, every story, and seeing that nothing real has ever been threatened. The rest? Just a dream we’re ready to wake up from.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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