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Ideas Post

Please make something new

Somewhat along the same lines to @JamesAltucher's post, I feel like Western society hasn't innovated much over the last 10-20 years. The smartphone was the last time I was wowed by anything.

    1. Movies

    They are all sequels or superhero movies. They are stale and formulaic.

    2. Music

    Don't even get me started here. Every song is 3 minutes long and follows a formula. There's very little experimentation. When I turn on 1960's-1970's rock music or 90's rap music, I can't imagine any popular musicians today doing anything like that.

    3. Politics

    Just pathetic. 2 party system in America and I'm supposed to support and agree with everything on one side? Theatrical and inauthentic people putting on a tap dance show for their money giving overlords....No thanks.

    4. Food

    It's just getting worse and worse. The quality. I actually think fusion food is pretty cool and you can definitely try different types of food today easier than ever. More choice, less quality is not good for our health, though. There are too many restaurants in most cities.

    5. Infrastructure

    American airports, roads, bridges are the same as they were 50-70 years ago. It's really incredible. We spend money like you've never seen, but can't update anything that everyone uses?

    6. Education

    I guess the woke have tried to alter education some. Our current system does not serve people well. If a child was not prepared to move up a grade 20+ years ago, they held them back. It worked. Now, I read 60% of 4th graders can't read in America? Is that true? It's not a good trend.

    7. Travel

    It's gotten worse. Smaller seats. More cancellations. More people.

    8. Space Travel

    We haven't been to the moon in forever. We just gave up here.

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