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Popeman and Choirboy

Once I heard that the pope owned a 'popemobile' I pictured him as batman in the bat mobile. From there a whole superhero story played out in my head.

It's a satirical piece based on the concept - What if the right really was as crazy as the left think they are, and vice versa. Eg. right - idiotic, racist bigots, left - woke satirists hell bent on destroying the world.

Popeman and Choirboy

    1. Homeless Bum

    We see our hero, John Paul walking down the street. Typical right wing king. Maga hat, cross around his neck, and a smile that screams 'I'm better than you'. We then hear 'Change. Change. Can you spare some change?' It's a homeless bum. He's shacking a cup filled with coins and scrounging for more. John replies angrily 'Change? Theft more like. Get a job you bloody hippy' and knocks the coins out of his hand 'It's scum like you that's destroying our once great nation. You're an eyesore. ' John the storms off mumbling his hatred of the homeless, to himself as he goes.Not long after John has left a shadowy figure appears ad offers a helping Han in picking up the homeless bums coins. He then puts in a £50 note and offers the bum a leaflet. 'Free food/shelter for the homeless at Local mosque 8pm every night. It then pans out to show a kind, happy muslim man. The bum smiles back.

    2. Wine

    Its night. The rain is pouring down hard. Another Homeless bum is walking. Long hair, majestic beard, skinny, and drinking a bottle of wine. He comes across the same leaflet on the ground 'Free food. Nice.' and makes his way to the mosque. He walks up to the mosque, drenched, still sipping his wine. One of the staff gets him new threads ' Oh gosh, look at you. Let's get you into some new clothes'. He offers the bum a white robe and sandals. 'Thanks mate. Where's the food I'm starving.' 'Oh sorry Sir. We don't allow alcohol here' The homeless bum snaps 'Whit? You want me to get rid of my wine? Screw you. I know you where all ever. Shove your free food up your arse!' then storms off. We then see him sneak into a building, through an open window.

    3. Jesus

    We see John Paul again. He's inside a church, doing paperwork. We see photos that show he's the minister of the church. He then walks out into the main hall kneels down and prys 'God give me the power to show love to the junkie scum that's camping all over the city. Why have you allowed this? Please just give me some sort of sign'. Achoo! John Paul Turns round to see The Wine Homeless bum lying on one of the pews. John screams at him 'Who the hell do you think you are. Don't you know who's house this is?' The bum then stands up and walks to the centre, behind him is a stained-glass of Jesus. He outstretches his arms and says 'Aye. It's ma hoose' Johns mouth drops 'Jesus?' The bum looks puzzled then replies 'Aye. I'm Jesus Christ. Who the hell are you?' John Paul replies 'I'm John Paul. Your loyal servant' Jesus smirks 'Servant you say? Nice'. John gets to his knees 'What do you wish of me master?'

    4. Should I continue?

    Theirs snow, Christmas cheer and a killing spree. But also far more offence, this is tame to what follows.

    Or is it too offensive, should give up and focus on something else instead?

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