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I've reached the third act. It all ends now how can i improve the original draft?

    1. Explosion

    I think if i have an initial explosion they're madness can be 'justified' (at least in they're own heads.). What could lead to an accidental explosion? A homless man peeing outside and effecting the electronics could work.

    2. Jesus

    He enters under the bridge. Maybe i can have multiple encounters like a video game. He can find power ups/health. I loved this aspect of scott pilgrim it would be fun to integrate something similar into my own story. This also allows me to drag out the end a little longer.

    3. John Paul

    He fails his fight. Maybe i can have him win, but be jumped by other homeless bums. This way he looks tough and just let his gaurd down too soon, i think this works better for him.

    4. Francis

    I want him to dress up as 'Choirboy'. He then saves John Paul with his pen. He isn't doing too much at the moment. I want him to be the brains so maybe i can set up more obstacles that he can solve.

    5. Final Thoughts

    I'm really happy with the progress i'm making with this story. It's a fine balance, but i feel i've managed it well.

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