Quotes from my friends
Every so often friends say something that's worth writing down. Here are a few that I've saved.
This list will probably only amuse me, but that's OK. I'll write one that's for everyone tomorrow.
1. I butchered that bird - Andy
A quote about sleeping with a girl the night before
2. Waste of a knob - Andy
Well hung, but doesn't like to sleep around.
3. It's out and the light is on - Devin
Friend was circumstanced. This was referring to the healing process without making it obvious about what happened.
4. It's a testament to my soundness - Tom
This is proof that I'm a cool person.
5. Surf the waves of chaos - Scott
Life gets chaotic at times. Don't let it drown you. Surf them and have fun wherever they may lead you.
6. I get drunk. Half people like me, half people hate me. - Scott
A good summary of what it's like to get drunk. Think this covers most of us.
7. Always choose the woman over the drink - Can't remember
This is probably the smartest thing any of my friends have said and I can't remember what one said it. Think it's self explanatory.
8. Final thoughts
I need to start writing down more things friends say. Noone else may like them, but they'll take me back to a time when we where happy and having fun and for that I think it's worth making sure I remember them.
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