1. How to see the world through love-colored glasses.
Hello, Mighty Companions! Identity theft is definitely a hot topic these days.- It's a weird concept when you really think about it. I mean, can someone really steal your identity? Like, is it even possible to take away who you are as a person?
The whole idea of identity is a bit more complex than just having your personal information stolen. We're not really a "who" or a "what" in the traditional sense. Instead, we're a reflection of something greater - a oneness with the universe, if you will.
Our sense of individual identity is an illusion, a way for the mind to create separation where there is none. We think we're these distinct beings with our own unique personalities, but in reality, we're all interconnected and part of a larger whole.
So in that context, identity theft isn't really a thing because there's no true identity to steal in the first place. We're not our social security numbers or our credit card info. We're not even our names or our physical bodies. We're something much more profound and impossible to pin down. I mean, how do you pin down God's Children?
Of course, that's a pretty heavy concept to wrap your head around. It challenges the way we've been conditioned to think about ourselves and our place in the world. But I invite you to let go of those limiting beliefs and embrace a more expansive view of who and what we really are.
It's a very liberating inner journey. When you start to see beyond the illusion of separation, you realize that you're not alone in this experience. We're all in it together, connected by something much deeper than surface-level identities.
So while identity theft might be a real concern in the conventional sense, it's irrelevant when you look at it through the lens of truth. It's a reminder that we're so much more than the labels and definitions we've been given. We're part of something greater, and when we embrace that truth, it changes everything.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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