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Ideas Post

Things I Do Or Want To Do That I Consider Reasonable But That Require What Many Would Consider An Unreasonable Amount Of Money

Homework Assignment from Unlock Your Potential Masterclass, Session 1

    1. Have 3 homes...

    Have 3 homes for my family (incl grandkids) - one "main" home plus one for summer vacationing and one for winter vacationing. All 3 should be nice enough to do vacation rentals when we're not there.

    2. Meaningfully change 1 or more lives every month...

    It's nice to give $50 a month to this or that charity, chipping away in tiny increments at massive problems... but I want to see people's whole life change. I wanna build more water wells, I wanna pay for people's kids to go to college, I wanna send addicts through rehab, I wanna help married couples in trouble with free therapy, etc. every month. As an example, currently my giving includes a cleft lip/palate surgery every month through Smile Train, a simple procedure that fundamentally alters a person's life forever for relatively cheap (like $250). I do other stuff too that's as close as I can get to major life improvement but I want to do a lot more.

    3. Know that any medical eventuality is covered...

    I've had family members go through terminal illnesses where quality and/or duration of life can be increased by non-insurance approved treatments. Thankfully I was able to do it though not as much or as long as I would have wanted. To have been able to do nothing would have been emotionally devastating.

    4. Living longer while feeling better...

    Fact: optimizing for lifespan and healthspan is expensive.

    • Organic food costs more
    • Properly sourced supplements from reputable labs with high-potency ingredients are expensive
    • Above are essential given the deficiencies in store-bought produce
    • Even if good produce is sourced to optimize biochemistry supplementation is advised
    • Longevity and wellness medicine is rarely-if-ever covered by insurance
    • Meat costs more (and vegan arguments are both environmentally and biologically nonsensical, yes that's what I believe save your breath trying to change me and I won't argue with you either ;) )
    • Alternative health therapies are expensive (cryo, IV nutrition, etc)
    • Massage is expensive
    • Hormone and other blood testing is (somewhat) expensive
    • Many people need trainers or coaching for motivation - not cheap
    • Etc.

    5. Personal development straddles between education and healthcare but doesn't fit squarely into (financial assistance for) either...

    The best way to avoid mental health issues is preventative maintenance. I call that personal development - ranging from books & seminars to therapy and even proactive psychiatry. By the time most people are dealing with mental health it's mental unhealth.

    6. Traveling or otherwise taking time off when I want to...

    The idea that the government tells me what days to take off is abhorrent to me. Slightly but not much less so is having to ask anyone permission. I am all about collaboration including forward-looking and respectful communication with professional peers about my availability, but to be told something along the lines of "no you can't take your child to ____ for their birthday" is a price I just won't pay. Unless I'm rich, I have to in this world.

    7. Modeling a life well-lived to my children

    I want to do things that make a meaningful impact in the world AND take care of myself physically, mentally and emotionally AND be a great spouse AND actually be home enough for my kids to know and observe the person doing all that. That is all unlikely unless I am a wealthy person who sets his own (very aggressive) schedule.

    8. 95% of the things I dreamt of doing as a child

    Think about it and I'll bet this is true for you too. Kids don't tend to have small dreams.

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