1. The Power of Ideas.
It’s never about the size of the book — it’s about the size of the idea. The tiniest hinge can swing the biggest door. Think about the Holy Spirit’s voice, quiet and soft, but it holds the power to move mountains. Compare that to the ego’s voice, loud and brash, always making noise but never really saying anything.
ACIM is a Course in Love — what the world keeps chasing in all the wrong places. It’s not the book’s thickness that matters; it’s the idea inside. Haven’t we all read those books that fall flat? Full of holes, empty ideas trying to be something they’re not. Love, though, doesn’t come with holes because love is the whole. Love is truth.
Take Kim’s Lost Worlds by Jamal T. Millwood, written for Kimberly A. Porter. It’s just 59 pages, but it set Amazon on fire before it got banned. Now, it’s going for $250 plus on eBay. Why? It’s not the number of pages; it’s the raw idea — the thrill of peering into someone else’s world. People aren’t paying for paper; they’re paying for the motion, the ripple effect.
So, in the end, it’s the ocean's motion, not its size, that makes the impact. And that’s the real story behind every powerful idea, no matter how small it might seem on the surface.
Ever notice how the tiniest spark ignites the biggest blaze?
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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