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Social Media Update

I've posted about this a couple of times, this is the latest round of observations. I rely on mostly Twitter for work but do get some info elsewhere too.


    There's good and bad. The best part for me is the newly added news tab. It's kind of like a list you might create on Twitter. I don't see far left or far right content, I'd say it's within a reasonable distribution on either side. The worst tab is the explore tab. Somehow, 3/4 of what I see are people bagging on the GOP or bagging on Twitter and its CEO. I'm very centrist, there's things I despise about both parties but I do not want to spend my time reading about people's hatred in this context. Musk is a complete fuck nut but reading about him isn't relevant for any aspect of my life. He's in a trial right now and I am mildly curious to see the outcome, don't need to read about it every day. The following tab was like news, still is I guess, but there is no interaction.

    2. Mastodon

    The interface is excellent. I follow some people but really very few that I follow are posting and there's minimal interaction. The local and Federated (Fediverse) feeds are a great idea but they are each overwhelming in how much there is to the point of being unhelpful.

    3. Twitter

    The latest complaint is the for you feed (algorithm) and the following feed. These are not new but the layout is different. People complain that they are not seeing Tweets from people they follow. That has not been my experience. The algorithm mostly shows me stuff that is inline with what I hope to see from people I follow. I say mostly, there's some useless stuff pushed to me as well. I think my experience on this point might be attributable to not following a lot of people, maybe 180. I had a weird experience a few months ago where I was seeing way more stuff about professional hockey than I want considering I don't follow any hockey-centric accounts. Really I was flooded. The interaction on Twitter is also very good.

    4. Facebook

    I see very little content from friends. I don't know if they are posting less or it's because of the FB algorithm. I use FB to access a community page and see pictures from travel pages, fire trucks and cars and that's about it. I post stuff there and if my friends are posting and I am not being shown that content, well that's pretty messed up.

    5. NotePD

    NotePD has a unique application related to productivity and self-development. I've said before I don't think this will become a source for news. I'm glad politics are kept out (my saying I don't care to see political opinion is not my attempt to initiate a convo about politics), the platform works if you want to engage or post without engaging. It's a positive experience/environment but doesn't offer everything I need.

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