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Some Of The Core Values I Try To Live By

A boss that I couldn‘t stand would always talk about core values. Many years later, I now see the wisdom in his words. He was right about the importance of having a solid set of values to live by. Having a solid set of values makes decision making and life much easier.

Some Of The Core Values I Try To Live By

    1. Honesty

    Honesty is the most important value. In order to build a reputation and a life, you must build on a foundation of honesty. No matter what happens in your life, good or bad, if you are honest with yourself and with others, people will trust you and you will build a reputation as an honest person with integrity.

    2. Kindness

    Life is difficult. Some rain will fall in everyone's life. The person that you see that's wealthy might have a terrible family life. The person that has a loving, caring and healthy family might be plagued with serious financial problems. The coworker with the nicer office and the more expensive car might have a terrible health issue that's threatening their life.

    There's a lot of truth in the saying that "everyone is fighting a battle that you know nothing about," and it's impossible to know every battle the people in our lives are fighting. When we're kind, the quality of our mood improves, stress is reduced, relationships are improved, and our energy levels are improved.

    3. Dependability

    I do my best to be dependable in my personal life and in my family life. If I commit to doing something for a friend, family member, or for someone at work, I do my level best to come through for them. I've had issues with people pleasing, saying no and taking on too much, which never turns out well. But when I do agree to do something for someone, I make sure to follow through on it.

    4. Financial Responsibility

    In America, debt is a way of life. We use debt to pay for ridiculously overpriced educations, for homes, and for cars. My parents were terrible with their money, and I think I inherited some of their bad attitudes and habits surrounding money (we are, after all, products of our environments). It takes conscious effort to rid ourselves of these bad attitudes and habits. Losing my job, and then being forced to run through my life savings as a result has taught me the painful lesson: debt eats equity.

    When I was young, I spent too much on my college education (which is pretty much useless), too much on a new car (but kept it for 10 years), and have never been able to save enough for a down payment on a home.

    Now that I'm wiser, I try to live in a financially responsible manner.

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