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Ideas Post

Stuff I want you to do

I keep a list called "Project Pitch List" of things I may want to do in the future but don't have time or resources for. Please steal these ideas!

Stuff I want you to do

    1. New York Times news dump

    The New York Times (and many other newspapers I assume) have a meeting where articles a pitched to the editor and ideas are chosen and debated. Record it and make a podcast!

    2. Famous People Battle Cards

    Pokémon or Magic the Gathering type game, except all the "monsters" are famous people. Could be a learning game for kids.

    3. Knolled Junk Drawer

    Knolling is the cool thing where you arrange things in right angles and take a picture. I do this when I travel so I get a feel for what I've packed. This would be a project where you go to people's houses, take all the contents of their drunk drawer out, Knoll it, and take a picture.

    4. Online dashboard site

    Create a site that will ping many APIs (using IFTTT?) and create a one-page dashboard with the option to resize it so that you can put it on a TV.

    5. Swipe on everything

    Tinder-like swipe left or right, but using any pictures or data that you feed it.

    6. Instant Happy Hour

    An app that lets bartenders and bars/restaurants push out a notification to happy hours enthusiasts that there is a temporary happy hour on the fly. Could be a limited time bracket or limited to first X customers. I started doing this and got some interest, but it fizzled out as I move on to other projects.

    7. Electronics for idiots

    A class or book or something that goes through electronics for people who don't care about the details, but just want to build something

    8. Hacker Trip USA

    Get a band of merry pranksters and tour America visiting hackerspaces doing classes and stuff. I started, but got no traction:

    9. Sue phone spammers

    Apparently you can make a good living at it because the law says you can get $500 per spam call, but only a few people are doing it and the spammers are fighting back. If a bunch of people did this, it may actually cut down on spam calls for everyone.

    10. Exercise without getting sore

    There is this one fighter I heard on a podcast that says you should not feel sore after working out. Build a program (book, online class, etc) that teaches how to exercise this way.

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