Ten Amusing Reason Why The Sphinx's Nose Is Missing.
From the mysteries of the world I did before, a (semi... kinda...?) amusing look at the reasons for the missing nose of the Sphinx...
1. Alien Pranksters
Extraterrestrials decided to “borrow” the nose as a souvenir from their visit to Earth.
2. Giant Cat Scratched It Off
The Sphinx, resembling a giant cat, might have gotten into a cosmic scratching frenzy.
3. Pharaoh’s Nose Job Gone Wrong
An ambitious sculptor tried to "modernize" the Sphinx with a smaller nose but botched the job.
4. Camel Bumper Accident
A speeding camel cart hit the nose during a wild desert race.
5. Ancient Nose Thieves
A secret group of “nose collectors” stole it to complete their collection of monumental noses.
6. The Nose Just Got Fed Up
Tired of centuries of dust and tourists staring at it, the nose simply decided to leave.
7. Windy Day Gone Wrong
A particularly strong sandstorm in the Sahara just whisked it away.
8. Cursed Archaeologists
Someone removed it for study but was cursed, leading the nose to vanish mysteriously.
9. Ancient Booger Blasting
The Sphinx sneezed so hard that the nose flew off and landed in a lost corner of the desert.
10. Stolen for a Sphinx-Sized Snowman
Ancient Egyptians thought the nose would make the perfect snowman “carrot,” but winter never came.
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