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Ten Foods I Could Eat "Forever'

I'm probably showing my American lack of 'sophistication' here. And how I disregard doctor's orders!

Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly accept an invite for dinner at some fancy place, especially if I'm not paying, but I'm more a "basics" kinda guy.

These ten could get me through being stranded on a tropical island.

Ten Foods I Could Eat "Forever'

    1. Pizza

    When done right, could eat it every day. When not done right, at least once a week... :)

    2. Grilled meats

    From steaks to burgers and dogs.

    3. Licorice

    I fully understand this one is on a lot of "hate" lists, but the real thing (not the Twizzler variety) is my favorite candy.

    4. White Castle

    We went here often when Mom went to visit her sister in Rahway. The WC on Route 1 was at the jughandle where we'd turn to go to her house. Mom rarely got away without stopping. So, while I do like sliders because of their taste, they're also a memory-stirrer of a fun, simpler time.

    5. Cheese

    Other than Limburger (which I can tolerate), haven't met a cheese yet I don't love. Current (and maybe all time) favorite right here And, in terms of cheese spreads, this SO rules!

    6. Macadamia Nuts

    Any variety, but Mauna Loa onion and garlic flavored... yum!

    7. Coffee

    Yes, not a food per se, but I can't imagine getting through the morning without it!

    8. Meat loaf

    The wife makes a great meat loaf, but doesn't put onions in. When I'm inspired, the onions go in, and then some!

    9. Onions

    Rings, sauteed, raw, whatever. And, probably the healthiest item on this list.

    10. Eggs

    In any state, other than raw (though did eat one or two whole in college). I do make a pretty darned good egg salad. Which reminds me, I have to get lunch ready for tomorrow!

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