Ten Good Things About Fall Coming
From my previous list... early, yes, but following the motivation. Don't have an explanation for the orbs.
1. Football
Every Friday night, most Saturdays and Monday JV games. Do love officiating, but wish I had started when I was younger. And the Jets may have a chance to make the playoffs this year.
2. Cooler weather
Not cold, but definitely not hot.
3. Air conditioners out, windows open
Wife and kid love their A/C. I just don't like the humidity. Fall fixes this.
4. Start of the end of grass cutting season
One less chore.
5. Use the fire pit
Something about sitting around a fire.
6. Car Comfort
No more sauna upon entry.
7. Lower electric bills
Follows the A/C out...
8. No heating oil bills, yet.
9. Kids back to school
Ours will be in 11th grade. There's something comforting about them returning to class.
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