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Ideas Post

Ten Ideas To Lose Weight

Ten Ideas To Lose Weight

    1. Stop eating bread

    2. Low-carb

    3. Slow-carb

    4. Time-restricted feeding

    For example, fast for 16 hours, 18 hours, or even 23 hours. Beware of muscle loss. Strength training is important. (I'm not an expert, just repeating some of the sometimes contradictory information that I learn!)

    5. Black coffee with no sugar instead of lattes

    6. Alcohol-free beer or other non-alcoholic low-calorie beverages

    I just started doing a cut. Ideally I'd be drinking Heineken 0.0 when socializing because it's very low in calories, but I don't think it's common (if even available) in Armenia where I'm spending some time at the moment. Not sure about other non-alcoholic beers. My other go-to alcohol-free drink is tonic water, but I think it's not that low in calories and sometimes contains quite a bit of sugar.

    7. More fruits and veggies

    8. Potatoes

    I hear they're very filling.

    9. Walk a lot more

    In-between tasks. While on a call. Right after waking up. On a treadmill while working or reading. With friends. Any other ideas?

    10. Exclusively consume Jimmy Joy Plenny Shake Active

    Jimmy Joy is my favorite brand ever. That's why I often sound like they're paying me to promote their products, but they're not (at least not at the moment of writing this!)

    One portion of Plenny Shake Active with 500ml of whole milk gets you 50g of protein and 700kcal. Have four of these and you're at 200g of protein (perfect for me) and 2800kcal, which in my case should be under my maintenance calorie levels, although I aim for lower. Switch to another type of milk to reduce calories (but also protein, which means you might have to get protein from elsewhere in addition to it).

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