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Ten Odd Things I Own

Really need to start paring down what I own. Some things have emotional value, some don't.

    1. Broken Vintage Clock

    Mom got it from a yard sale. Never did anything with it. At least its right twice a day...

    2. Old Radios

    Several of them which were my grandfathers or my grandmother's. One from my wife's grandmother, an Atwater Kent stove radio. They serve as decorations. Maybe will try to rehab them?

    3. Prize Letter

    I got after winning a GI Joe jeep in the "Capture Hill 79" sweepstakes in 1967, from Hassenfeld Brothers, Inc. - better known today as Hasbro. The jeep was lost in "battle" or maybe sold at a flea market in the '70's.

    4. USGS Map

    Of the Long Lake area. Ordered it for my son who did a week-long 55 mile canoe trip there a few years ago. He had no interest, but I was a geography major in college, so I framed it and it hangs on the wall in my office.

    5. Door Sign

    A fraternity brother had a small engraved sign he "procured" from a Rutgers classroom... "Maximum Occupancy Assembly - 60" from about 1980. He gave it to me when he graduated, and it sits on a shelf in my office to this day.

    6. Various Old Football Officiating Items

    Rule book from 1946, "It Takes Healthy Nerves" cigarette ad, plastic down and score counter, sort of like what a baseball umpire uses,

    7. A Few Phone Company Nametags

    I'm a "Junior" and Dad worked for the phone company his whole career. I've kept his nametags.

    8. Old Electric Football Game

    During the lockdowns, spent too much money buying a vintage game set and extra teams to recreate the enjoyment of the game of my youth. Sadly, I've not spent much time with it the last couple of years, even though it sits on a table in my basement waiting...

    9. Old Cigar Boxes

    From the wife's grandmother's house. Don't care for them, but figure they may have some value to someone.

    10. Railroad Step

    For entering/exiting the train. Mom bought it at a yard sale many years ago. Painted it bright red. No practical use for it, but I still hang on to it because it looks cool.

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