Ten Surreal Things That Happened Today
Or were reported about in the news. Day after day after day. It seems like so many strange things happen as if they were normal.
Surreal: 1
: marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream
1. MTG was kicked out of the Freedom Caucus
They are her people. This wasn't even the weirdest one.
2. Biden sends Cluster Bombs to Ukraine
3. Forever Chemicals in Tap Water
4. Industrial Farming Has Killed Billions of Birds
5. Legal Drivers' Licenses are now invalid in Florida. And folks who don't have a driver's license can't get one. This might be a risk.
6. Elon is suing the Lawfirm that was paid $90 Million before he acquired Twitter (to reclaim the 90M)
7. A person in Oklahoma said that we should not consider the Tulsa Race Massacre/ Annihilation of Black Wall Street a skin color thing. He literally said that.
And it was ok to the people he said it to.
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