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Ten Ways to Pick Up Acorns

The old oak trees are dumping a shirt-load on my yard this year. Here are ten ways to pick them up.

Ten Ways to Pick Up Acorns

    1. Use leaf blower, then shovel into a bag

    Current procedure. Noisy, time consuming, but relatively effective.

    2. Open bag... pick up one at a time, throw into the bag.

    Only if you want it to be a hobby, or take forever.

    3. Rig up a vacuum cleaner to pick up, pass through to the bag

    Need a strong vacuum.

    4. Design machine to mulch them into dust, leave on grass or put into bag.

    Design, creation would take a long time, but could be a money maker to sell.

    5. Pay a kid to do it.

    Cost involved, but leave them to their creativity.

    6. Use a point-ed stick to spear

    Would be doing in 24/7 for a few months... not very effective. But would be a unique life's work.

    (Point-ed stick - a Monty Python reference. Always helps to get one of them in).

    7. Rake them up

    Would need a very fine toothed rake... and that's no guarantee!

    8. Backhoe

    Probably means pulling up the lawn, but, one, it would probably be 100% effective (for a minute until the tree decides to nut-crap just when done), and, two, would cost a lot. Oh, and, three, the lawn would need a bit of a touch-up.

    9. Ask The AI Generated Acorn Nymph To Take Them Back

    And give them to an acorn needy kid.

    10. Hope the lawn mower chops them up.

    Not very effective. Generally just chucks them elsewhere in the yard or into my shin.

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