Terrible reasons to get married
1. Family pressure
2. Prospect of financial gain
3. Religious reasons
Religious values should be something that helps focus and direct a marriage , not oppress it
4. Guilt
5. Inertia
ie. Have been together for so long and well .....
6. Social protection
Fear of societal scrutiny and condemnation should you remain single
7. Sex
Believing that you can only have sex inside of marriage
8. Pregnancy
The best situation to raise children is a 2 parent (man/woman) . Having said that , being forced or coerced into a marriage is bad for everybody. Today a person can be a single parent socially and financially
9. Perceived protection against loneliness
You will probably wind up even more lonely inside the marriage !!
10. Belief that there are not opportunities for a single lifestyle for adults.
Probably true in a small community. So...re-locate to a large metropolitan area where you will discover and enjoy a vibrant social activities scene for single adults
11. And now: The Best Possible Reason to Get Married
To raise a family
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