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The Ego: Your Biggest Enemy (and Best Friend) - 2 min 31 sec


    1. Learn to harness its power or be consumed by it.

    You think you're running out of time? You worry you’ll never get past your ego? You're not alone — young or old, echo the same fear. All of this fretting is based on a lie. You’re treating the ego like it’s some monstrous, invincible force, and as long as you believe that, it will be. You’ve turned the ego into a towering problem that you think you’ll never overcome — either in this lifetime or the next. And guess what? That’s exactly what the ego wants you to believe.
    The real issue isn't the size or power of your ego. The issue is your belief in its reality. As long as you cling to the idea that the ego is real and substantial, you'll keep it alive and kicking. The irony? While you say you want to let go of the ego, deep down, you’re terrified to release it because it feels like letting go of yourself. You’re caught in a trap of wanting to be rid of it now — yesterday even—while simultaneously holding on for dear life.
    Jesus doesn’t mince words in A Course in Miracles: the ego isn’t your problem. Your belief in it is. The mind exists beyond time and space; it doesn’t care how long something takes. You can choose the ego in one instant and choose the Holy Spirit in the next. It’s not about time; it’s about choice.
    Every time you stress about not having enough time to transcend your ego, you’re actually reinforcing it. Freud called this reaction formation —acting in a way that's the opposite of what you really feel. So next time you catch yourself in this loop, stop. Ask yourself what you’re really afraid of. The answer will always be that you don’t want to let go of your ego because you believe it’s who you are.
    The ego’s strength lies in your investment in it. Withdraw that investment, and the ego crumbles. This isn’t a process that takes years or lifetimes —it can happen in an instant. Your external worries are just reflections of an internal struggle. Look inward, examine the real condition, and then change it. That’s the only road that leads to freedom.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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