1. Time to wake up and change the dream.
The entire world and everything in it is an illusion created by the ego to maintain its false sense of power. "The world is not real" and "the world is but a dream." It is a projection of the mind, a reflection of our own inner thoughts and beliefs.
The ego's attempt to gain power in the world is ultimately futile because the world itself is not real. It is a dream that we have dreamed, and we have the power to awaken from it at any time. The only true power is the power of the mind to choose love over fear, truth over illusion, and healing over attack.
When we recognize the illusory nature of the world and the ego's false beliefs we let go of our attachment to worldly power. And instead we focus on cultivating inner peace and aligning with the power of love. This is the sole route to genuine freedom; all other paths have been thoroughly explored and lead nowhere.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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