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The Futility of Attack and Counter-Attack. (3 min 20 sec)


    1. Attack - Counter-Attack: How could it possibly ever work?

    It can't. We’re too blind to see it. Not just kids, but full-grown adults who should know better. We cling to our sides, armed with opposing views, ideologies, beliefs, and goals, built on a foundation of untruths and broken promises. We promise stability in a world that flips on a dime. Remember COVID-19? A reminder that nothing here is certain.
    Yet, we put our faith in this shifting world. But it's not real faith; it's fear disguised as hope. We think the world can give us something we lack, but that's the biggest lie. The real war is in our minds, between what we think we need and what we truly are.
    The Illusion of Conflict
    Attack and counter-attack are illusions. They stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of who we are. We think we’re separate, competing for limited resources, love, and safety. But that's just the ego's game. The ego thrives on conflict, making us believe we need to defend ourselves against others. But what are we really defending? A false identity. A fragile sense of self that’s constantly threatened.
    The Real War: A Battle of Minds
    This is a mental war, not a physical one. We fight with thoughts, judgments, and beliefs. But the battleground is an illusion. The Course says, "The ego's plan for salvation centers around holding grievances." When we hold onto grievances, we attack others, and they attack back. It's a cycle of misery.
    The Power of Forgiveness
    The only way out is through forgiveness. Not the fluffy kind, but real, radical forgiveness. Recognizing that the person you're attacking is you. There's no one else. The Course teaches that "Forgiveness recognizes what you thought your brother did to you has not occurred." We think people wrong us, but that's just our projection.
    A Call to Wake Up
    We need to wake up from this nightmare. The world can’t give us anything because we already have everything we need within us. Peace, love, and safety are our natural states. But we’ve forgotten. The Course calls us to remember, to wake up to our true selves.
    No More Lies
    It’s time to stop lying to ourselves. No more pretending the world can offer us what we lack. No more playing the ego's game of attack and counter-attack. Let's recognize the truth: we are whole, complete, and united with everyone. There's no enemy out there. The only enemy is the illusion we’ve created in our minds.
    So, Mighty Companions, let’s drop the weapons. Let’s choose peace instead of conflict, love instead of fear. Let’s remember who we really are. And in doing so, let’s end the war within and create a world that reflects our true nature. No more fluff. Just the truth.
    Are you ready to see things differently?
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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