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The Golden Goose Reimagined. (2 min 18 sec)


"The Golden Goose" is a folk tale about a kind-hearted but simpleton named Simpleton or Dummling. While on a journey, he performs acts of kindness for various characters he encounters. As a reward, he receives a magical golden goose that produces golden feathers. Anyone who touches the goose or Simpleton while holding it becomes stuck to it. This leads to a series of humorous and chaotic events as various people try to possess the golden goose. In the end, Dummling's genuine kindness and innocence prevail, and he marries a princess.

    1. The lesson of true value.

    The golden goose symbolizes worldly possessions and the pursuit of material wealth. While these possessions seem valuable, they are ultimately illusory and transient. The true value lies in love, kindness, and inner peace, which Dummling embodies.
    Material wealth, like the golden feathers, can stick to us, but it doesn't define our worth. True riches come from within, through love and compassion for others.

    2. The power of innocence.

    Dummling's innocence and simplicity are his greatest strengths in the story. In this children's tale, we see the importance of letting go of judgment and seeing others without condemnation. Like Dummling, we can understand that innocence is a state of mind that leads to forgiveness and healing. When we release judgments and approach life with an open heart, we overcome challenges and bring about positive change in ourselves and others.

    3. Kindness and miracles.

    The acts of kindness performed by Dummling set in motion a series of miraculous events in the story. Miracles are shifts in perception from fear to love, and they start with acts of kindness. We must recognize the power of our actions in creating positive changes in the world. By extending love and compassion to others, we experience our own "golden goose" moments of transformation and healing.
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