1. Our constant search for something "out there" is a manifestation of the mind's misguided belief that fulfillment, happiness, and meaning can be found in the external world.
We seek artificial, transient, and unreal things, believing that they will bring us the satisfaction we crave. This pursuit of external gratification is rooted in the ego's desire to find completion outside of ourselves. We chase after material possessions, relationships, achievements, and experiences, hoping that they will fill the perceived void within us.
However, this search is futile because true peace can only be found within. The external world is constantly changing, and the things we seek are impermanent. Placing our happiness in the hands of something "out there" sets us up for disappointment.
The only way to break this cycle is to recognize that the only lasting source of fulfillment lies within our minds. By turning our attention inward we experience the joy that is our true nature. But it does require us to let go of our attachment to the artificial, transient, and unreal things we seek in the external world.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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