The Light Has Come. (1 min 43 sec)
1. The Light has indeed come, and it is eternally present in the Now.
The eternal present, or the "holy instant" as ACIM calls it, is where true transformation occurs. The Light - is divine truth, love, and peace - is not a future event but a constant reality that we can access by changing our perspective.
Many mortals fall into the trap of believing that their happiness depends on altering external circumstances - their body, environment, relationships, or material conditions. This is a defense mechanism of the ego. The ego's trick is to distract us from the truth that the Light is already here.
Nothing in the world of form needs to change for us to experience peace. What needs to shift is our perception - how we interpret our experiences. This means letting go of judgments, grievances, and the belief in separation. It is choosing to see through the eyes of love and forgiveness.
By recognizing that the Light is eternally present we release the tendency to project our hopes for salvation onto the future. Instead, we focus on cultivating present awareness and aligning our minds with the truth and nothing but the truth.
It is up to us to take responsibility for our inner state rather than blaming our discontent on external factors. Our true power lies in our ability to choose how we perceive and respond to life, rather than in our ability to change the world around us.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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