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Ideas Post

The Madness of Me is the Madness of You. (1 min 20 sec)


    1. The world is mad... but you don’t have to be.

    Let’s get real for a second, Mighty Companions. Attack? That’s not coming from love. Love doesn’t lash out, doesn’t rage, doesn’t sabotage. The part of you that attacks, judges, and mistreats isn’t the real you. It’s that fearful, small, broken version you’ve been conditioned to believe is you —the ego.
    It’s that part of you drowning in childhood wounds, shame, guilt, fear of the future, and belief in a past you can’t escape. All those things keep you stuck in this delusional, crazy loop, convincing you that you’re separate from everyone else — separate from the Truth.
    But here’s the punchline: You are not that ego. You’re not the fear, the guilt, the rage, or the shame. You are love — period. You’re spiritual, not just some fragile body walking around dodging life’s punches. You’re powerful, innocent, unlimited, and eternal.
    But the crazy part of you? That’s ego-driven nonsense. The data, the programming, the hurt — it’s all just static noise from a mind gripped by fear. And guess what? This isn't just you — it’s everyone. Everyone’s got their own version of crazy playing on repeat.
    The truth? There’s only one answer to all this insanity. You have to see through it. Own the fact that the ego isn't you. Drop the fight, release the past, stop fearing the future, and recognize the Truth that’s been there all along. You're love, not fear. And it’s time to live like it.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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