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The presence of you is what never changes. (2 min 24 sec)

The enduring essence of your being remains constant and unchanging. In this insightful article, "The Unchanging Nature of Zero and Seven," the concept of this timeless truth is explored in depth ( The Unchanging Nature of Zero and Seven).

    1. Words and actions, symbolized by the number 7, hold no significance for You persist in a state of purity, represented by Zero.

    It is undeniable that our words and actions have sometimes been far from admirable, spanning from truly abhorrent deeds to minor lapses in judgment.
    However, it is crucial to understand that these words and actions hold no weight in the grand scheme of things. They lack the power to shape our reality because they stem from fear, devoid of love, creativity, and causation. They are like stones cast into a still lake, sinking to the bottom, stirring no ripples, and effecting no change.
    The only thoughts that possess true significance are those rooted in love. These thoughts are the catalysts for genuine transformation and positive outcomes. While fear-driven thoughts may manifest as the turbulent scenes of our lives, they are not causative. "Causation" is the power to bring about change and create new realities.
    Therefore, there is no basis for guilt, as fear-based thoughts wither away upon inception. They do not carry forward into our future experiences. We may recall them, but they cannot influence our path. There's no need to pretend that they leave a lasting mark.
    This is the essential message: Your innocence remains intact because these fleeting thoughts do not remain with you. You may repeat them endlessly, but they are mere thoughts, devoid of action. With this understanding, you possess a solid foundation to claim your innocence unequivocally.
    You are entitled to all that is good and loving. 

    2. Remember this truth throughout your day – you are deserving of love and nothing less.

    3. May you have a beautiful day, filled with the awareness of your innate innocence and worthiness.

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