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The Three Little Pigs Reimagined. (2 min 4 sec)

The Three Little Pigs" tells the story of three pig siblings who each build different houses (straw, sticks, and bricks) to protect themselves from a wolf. When the wolf threatens their homes, only the pig with the brick house, representing a strong foundation, survives.

    1. The House of Fear (Straw):

    The first pig represents the ego's fear-based mindset. The house made of straw symbolizes the flimsy foundation of fear, insecurity, and external validation. It's a belief system built on illusions, where we constantly seek validation from the outside world. However, this house is easily blown away by the challenges and uncertainties of life.

    2. The House of Separation (Sticks):

    The second pig represents the ego's belief in separation. The house made of sticks symbolizes a belief system built on separation, judgment, and division. It's a mindset where we see ourselves as separate from others and the world, leading to conflicts and a lack of true connection. This house is also vulnerable and easily destroyed by the challenges we face.

    3. The House of Love (Bricks):

    The third pig represents the mind aligned with love and oneness. The house made of bricks symbolizes a foundation built on love, forgiveness, and unity. It's a mindset where we recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and seek to extend love and forgiveness. This house is strong and secure, as it is built on the eternal principles of truth and unity.

    4. The big bad wolf in this analogy is the ego's attempts to undermine our spiritual growth and keep us trapped in fear and separation.

    However, when we align with love and truth, our foundation becomes unshakable, and the ego's attacks lose their power.
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