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The Two Faces of Peace. (1 min 58 sec)


    1. Worldly Peace (Absence of Conflict).

    Worldly peace refers to the external state of peace that's characterized by the absence of war, violence, and conflict.
    This type of peace is fragile and temporary. It depends on external circumstances and is susceptible to disruption by external factors. It's a desirable outcome but not the ultimate goal.
    While striving for worldly peace is important, it cannot lead to lasting inner peace as long as our minds remain filled with negativity and judgment.

    2. Spiritual Peace (Inner Calm and Acceptance).

    Spiritual peace is an internal state of tranquility, serenity, and freedom from fear, worry, and negativity.
    This kind of peace is not dependent on external conditions. It's a state of inner harmony and connection with our true nature, which is love and peace.
    True peace only comes from within. As we forgive, release our negative thoughts, and align ourselves with love we are guaranteed to reach this inner state.

    3. Key Differences.

    Worldly peace - source: external circumstances
    Durability - fragile and temporary.
    Goal - desirable outcome but not the ultimate goal.
    Path to achieving it - eliminating external conflict.
    Spiritual peace - source: internal state of mind.
    Durability - lasting and independent of external factors
    Goal - the ultimate goal.
    Path to achieving it - engaging in personal transformation though forgiveness and aligning with love.

    4. Understanding the relationship.

    Both types of peace are important. However, while striving for worldly peace through acts of kindness and diplomacy is encouraged, true and lasting peace only resides within ourselves.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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