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Things that make me free

A list to remind myself not to take things for granted.

Things that make me free

    1. Choosing where to live

    2. Making my own decisions

    3. Working remotely

    4. Being able to try new things

    5. Meeting new people

    6. Being single

    Not that you should feel like you're "not free" when you're in a relationship, but... still.

    I will want a relationship in the future though!

    7. Being able to travel more or less wherever

    I'm not financially comfortable enough to be able to go to New Zealand on a whim, though. But when it comes to intra-European flights, it's fairly easy.

    8. I could completely uproot my life at any moment

    Hypothetically, if I wanted to go off and volunteer in Nepal or whatever, I could.

    9. Even if I lost everything, there are still many options

    If I lost all my clients but had money for a flight to Australia for example (or if I borrowed it), I could go work there on a working holiday visa as I'm still young enough for the visa. And if I were too old, I could do something similar elsewhere.

    If I lost everything, I could probably still find a way to go to some country, volunteer at a hostel there, and make at least a little bit of money to get by.

    10. I have my mind

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