Things to do while you just have to wait
1. Observe your surroundings
Are you in a new place? How is it? What is unusual here?
Or if you've been here before - is anything new? What is still interesting about this place?
2. Observe yourself
Are you calm? Impatient? Happy?
3. Listen
What can you hear?
4. Addition
What would you add to this space to make it better?
5. Subtraction
What would you remove from this space to make it better?
6. Whom do you miss?
Who could drop by to make this a perfect wait?
7. What to take with you?
What, if anything, would you like to take with you from here?
An idea, a vision, something practical or something memorable.
8. Creatively, how would you draw this, paint this, or write or sing about it?
9. Estimation game
Hours long do you think the wait will be? Why? Repeat during the wait and revise.
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