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Transform Your Thinking with Philosophy (5 min 58 sec read)

The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek words "philos" meaning "love" and "sophia" meaning "wisdom". 
Therefore, loosely translated philosophy is a "love of wisdom."
Philosophy is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding through rational inquiry and contemplation.

Transform Your Thinking with Philosophy (5 min 58 sec read)

    1. Experiences are the bedrock of all memory.

    Every facet of memory is rooted in experiences.
    Whether it's the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, or touch our memories are shaped by the sensory inputs that we encounter.
    Our attention, emotions, and repetition also play crucial roles in determining what we remember and how we remember it.
    Ultimately, it is our experiences that give rise to the rich tapestry of our memories, and they continue to influence us in countless ways that we are unaware of.

    2. Experiences shape all our knowledge.

    Our experiences provide the raw material for acquiring knowledge.
    Our experiences help us navigate and understand the world around us.
    Even when we acquire knowledge through logical reasoning and deduction, it is based on some prior experience or observation that we have had in the past.

    3. Memory is born out of knowledge.

    Memory is how we store, retain, and recall information, experiences, and knowledge.
    Our human brain registers information, knowledge, and experiences in order to store, retain, and recall them later.
    Memory helps us learn from our past experiences.
    Memory helps us adapt to new situations and environments.
    Memory helps us communicate and share our knowledge with other people.
    Our personal identity and self-awareness is derived from memory.
    Memory provides a sense of continuity and coherence to our lives.
    Cognitive development and problem-solving are facilitated by memory.
    Memory also plays a crucial role in emotional regulation and decision-making.
    Memory also allows us to maintain social relationships and form emotional connections with others.
    Memory can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation.
    Creativity and imagination are facilitated by memory.
    Memory helps us construct mental models of the world around us.
    Our personal history is intimately linked to our memory.

    4. What is true knowledge?

    True Knowledge is not something that can be acquired through traditional means of learning, such as studying or acquiring information.
    True Knowledge is innate and already present within us, but is obscured by our beliefs, perceptions, judgments, and grievances.
    We confuse True Knowledge with perception, which is based on our sensory experiences (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose) and is subject to error and distortion.
    True Knowledge is a direct experience of Truth and is not subject to the limitations of perception.
    We can access True Knowledge by removing the blocks and beliefs that prevent us from seeing the Truth of our Being.
    How? Through forgiveness and by having a shift in our perception from fear to love.
    True Knowledge is not something that can be acquired through traditional means of learning or remembering but is instead an innate Truth that can be accessed through a shift in perception and the removal of limiting beliefs.

    5. Thoughts are born from memory.

    Thoughts are ideas, opinions, and perceptions that we have in our minds. 
    Thoughts are derived from our words, images as well as our emotions and sensations. 
    Thoughts are conscious or unconscious.
    Thoughts come from memories, senses, and our imagination.
    Thoughts influence our emotions and behaviors and shape our perceptions of ourselves and others. 

    6. Experience = Knowledge = Memories = Thought

    All experience is limited therefore all knowledge must be limited.
    Anything that can be added to must have some kind of limit, otherwise there would be no more room for additional things to be added.
    Adding more to our little selves is not a path to spiritual growth or enlightenment. 
    Our true nature is already perfect and whole, and any attempts to improve or change ourselves through our own efforts are ultimately futile.
    Our focus must be on removing the barriers to our awareness of our True nature, rather than on self-improvement.
    It's our beliefs and perceptions that create a sense of separation and limitation and prevents us from experiencing our loving nature.
    We can't experience a sense of peace and joy that is not dependent on external circumstances or achievements until we release the illusions that keep us from recognizing our inherent Oneness.

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