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Turning your life skills in to online courses or membership sites

We all have life skills. We all have skills and knowledge that we could sell to those who's skills and knowledge are less than ours in a given area, and who are willing to pay for it.

In the past many of us have thought about packaging and selling niche knowledge which we possess, but always concluded "I could 'tell all' in a single book, so how could I possibly turn this in to a business with upsells and consultancy and still provide real value?"

The challenge:

How do we brainstorm our way through our list of life skills and identify what should and shouldn't be turned in to paid online content?

Once we have chosen our topic to build a business around - what strategies can we use to generate enough content, (or in the case of membership sites - enough ongoing content) to enable us to provide huge value to our paying customers?

Lately, where do we find financially well off people who would happily pay a few hundred dollars for an online course to someone who is knowledgeable, but has no proven record to back it up i.e. social proof.

I would love to hear your views, comments and suggestions.

    1. Negotiation

    For instance, how to negotiate a real estate deal. Or how to negotiate an acquisition. Or even how to negotiate with your boss for a raise.

    2. Writing

    How to write a novel, or even a non-fiction book. How to write better emails, etc.

    3. Sales

    How to sell anything, whether it be stocks and bonds, real estate, insurance products, etc. What are the best sales pitches ever made? How do you make them work for you? Can you combine them in new ways? Etc.

    4. Product creation and marketing

    How did Pat Flynn create his million dollar business around his blog about personal finance? And what can we learn from him on how he marketed it and continues to market it every day so that he generates millions of dollars in revenue each year.

    5. Business in general

    There are many online courses teaching "how to start a business". But what I would like is specific case studies of successful businesses started by others (and what were the ups and downs) . And then strategies on how one could start their own business using those same strategies applied in a new context. This would be great as an online course or membership site where people can continually ask questions on how they can apply these strategies in their own businesses. And maybe there's an upsell where people pay more money for ongoing support and advice on their businesses once they have launched them using this strategy guide and other tools provided by the course/membership site owner. Again, I'm not talking about starting a restaurant but something much more complex which requires different skills than cooking hamburgers but has similar characteristics when it comes to building a business around it that requires marketing skills and financial acumen (e.g., raising money). Again, I'm thinking out loud here but hopefully some ideas will come out of this brainstorming session..
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