1. The real reason we question God's Plan.
Ever wondered why we cast doubt on the very idea of a divine plan? It’s not just a casual skepticism — it’s a full-blown existential rebellion. Here's the raw truth: we dismiss miracles as mere coincidences because we're trapped in a mindset that worships randomness and chance over divine orchestration.
Miracles or Mistakes?
We scoff at miracles because they challenge our belief in a reality governed by chance. If the universe were really orchestrated by divine intelligence, wouldn’t everything align perfectly? But here’s the rub: we struggle to accept that love could be unshakable and unchanging. We’re knee-deep in a world where betrayal and loss are the norm, and the idea of constant, unconditional love seems as far-fetched as a fairy tale.
Love: Real or Unreal?
Our resistance to the concept of eternal love reflects a deep-seated fear. It’s not that love isn’t attainable; it’s that we’re terrified it might not be real. This fear questions God’s ability to provide a perfect, unwavering love because we can't fathom its existence in a world so often marred by suffering and betrayal.
Pain: Pointless or Purposeful?
We view suffering as pointless because we can't see its role in our growth. It’s easier to believe that pain is an unfortunate side effect of life rather than a profound tool for awakening. This misalignment with divine wisdom makes us question whether God truly understands or controls the intricacies of our existence.
The Wisdom of the Infinite
The wisdom of the Infinite is a cosmic intelligence that transcends our limited perceptions. It’s the divine architect of every detail in existence, working with impeccable harmony and purpose. This wisdom is an extension of God's unconditional love, guiding us toward eternal peace.
Why We Rebel
The challenge with accepting God’s wisdom is that it dismantles our comfort zones. Embracing this wisdom means letting go of our tightly-held beliefs and sense of control — an existential upheaval we dread.
The ego, that sneaky little villain, thrives on separation, control, and individuality. Accepting God's wisdom threatens the ego’s reign, so we resist, projecting our fears and insecurities onto God. It’s a defense mechanism to preserve our fragile sense of identity.
The Ego’s Last Stand
Confronting God's wisdom forces us to face our own inadequacies. We fear that acknowledging His wisdom means confronting our flaws and limitations, a process both daunting and humbling.
Questioning the wisdom of the Infinite is nothing more than a reflection of our fears and resistance.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
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