1. Ask yourself if you would be proud of the action you were taking if you were the one on the receiving end of said action.
2. Before reacting to a triggering situation, imagine how the situation would unfold if you were to make your next move 2 hours later
3. Spend (silent) time in nature. Listen to the trees, watch the sun, put your bare feet in the earth. A regulated central nervous system lends itself to stronger character.
4. Think of someone u admire and write down everything u love about them. Think about how you can invite these characteristics into ur own sphere. Think about someone u dont particularly enjoy &write down anything you can admire & learn from.
5. Whenever you are upset/annoyed/or frustrated with someone, replace their face with the face of someone you deeply love. Then imagine how you’d speak to that person, and let that guide you.
6. Find something that you are good at and that you enjoy and become excellent at it.
7. Try things where the answer is probably no. Rejection helps you not take yourself too seriously and builds muscle for when you need courage to pitch something that truly excites you.
8. Try something new/different, whether it be trying a new meal, engaging in a new activity, etc. Opening your world to new experiences will help you grow/change your pov or ground you in what you already know.
9. Take one day and say yes to everything that comes your way. Take another day and say no to everything that comes your way. See how each feel.
10. Reflect on a situation in which you did not put forth your best self or effort. Find out why, what you would do differently, forgive yourself and move on.
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