What are some things that the government could offer for free?
I'm not sure if any of these are a good idea but perhaps we can start a conversation or spark another idea.
1. UBI
Enough to support but not to live on. I would say somewhere between $5k - $7k / person. Intentionally not enough to be comfortable or even possible but a starting point.
2. More apprenticeships
There was a time when the US military was considered a job training program. Times are a bit more precarious now. We have taken baby steps in this area with programs like AmeriCorps and I'm sure there are others but so much more could be done.
3. Could homesteading be a thing again?
The government could provide free land with the caveat that it must be developed into agriculture or other on site small business. If after 5 yrs. the enterprise is not producing then ownership reverts back to the G.
4. Tort reform to benefit innovation.
I feel that too often bureaucracy gets in the way of innovation and the risk takers in an effort to protect consumers from an infinite list of "maybes". With full disclosure and documentation allow consumers to have greater choice in the market place when it comes to medications, treatments, consumer goods, activities, etc.
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