What are the most inspirational things you find about Islam?
I've read a lot about Islam and the Koran. I'm curious what others find as the most compelling and intriguing and spiritual aspects of Islam?
1. The idea of the Day of Judgment
2. The idea that we are all equal in God's eyes
3. Charity
4. Muhammad was a normal guy who became a prophet and then he died (no messiah complex) and now Muslims have to figure out their own lives
5. The 99 names of Allah
Like Al-Wadud (the Loving One)
Or Al-Mujid (the Bestower)
Or Al-Qadir (the Able One)
Etc etc etc
6. Fasting for Ramadan
7. No clergy or Pope telling people what to do or believe.
8. There's no heaven or hell until after you die but
So you can enjoy this earthly life while improving your chances for eternal happiness later on in death when you find out if you were right or wrong about the afterlife
Love this idea
It's like living life NOW instead of waiting for some vague afterlife later on down the road which may never happen anyway since nobody knows for sure what happens after we die
so why not enjoy this life
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