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What are the most inspirational things you find about Islam?

La Illaha illlah Mohammadur Rasullah - There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

What are the most inspirational things you find about Islam?

    1. Compassion and Kindness


    Islam emphasizes the importance of compassion and kindness in a person's character and spirituality. The religion encourages its followers to be merciful and show empathy towards others, especially those who are less fortunate. This is demonstrated through the act of giving charity, helping those in need, and promoting peace and justice.

    2. Justice


    One of the central values of Islam is justice, and the religion encourages its followers to strive for fairness and equality in all aspects of their lives. This includes standing up against oppression and promoting justice for all, regardless of race, religion, or background.

    3. Community


    Islam places a strong emphasis on community, and the religion encourages its followers to work together, support one another, and maintain a strong sense of unity. This includes caring for those in need and promoting cooperation and mutual support within the community.

    4. Love for All


    Islam teaches that all humans are equal and deserving of love, regardless of race, religion, or background. This is demonstrated through the acts of compassion, kindness, and charity, as well as promoting equality and justice for all.

    5. Personal and Social Improvement:


    Islam encourages its followers to continuously strive for self-improvement, both as individuals and as members of society. This includes developing positive traits such as honesty, modesty, and gratitude, as well as contributing to the betterment of society through acts of charity, community service, and promoting peace and justice.

    6. Charity


    Charity and helping others is a key aspect of Islam, and the religion places great importance on giving to the poor, supporting the less fortunate, and working towards the greater good. This includes acts of financial support, as well as providing time, resources, and support to those in need.

    7. Honesty


    Islam values honesty and integrity, and the religion encourages its followers to be truthful in all their dealings. This includes avoiding deceit, falsehood, and dishonesty, and striving to maintain a high standard of ethics in all aspects of life.

    8. Forgiveness


    Forgiveness is highly valued in Islam, and the religion teaches its followers to strive for forgiveness, even in difficult circumstances. This includes letting go of anger, resentment, and bitterness, and striving to maintain peace and harmony in relationships with others.

    9. Modesty


    Islam encourages its followers to be modest in their dress and behavior, and to avoid materialistic excess. This includes avoiding ostentation and excessive display of wealth, and striving for simplicity and humility in all aspects of life.

    10. Gratitude


    Islam emphasizes the importance of gratitude and being thankful for the blessings that one has received. This includes recognizing the blessings of health, family, and community, as well as the natural world, and expressing gratitude through acts of kindness, charity, and generosity.

    11. Quran from the Point of View of Non-Muslims

    1. Albert Einstein (1979-1955): Quran is not a book of algebra or geometry but is a collection of rules which guides human beings to the right way, the way which the greatest philosophers are unable to decline it.
    2. Gandhi (1869-1948): By learning Quran, every body will achieve revelation secrets and religion knowledge. In Quran we don't see anything which allows using obligation to change others religion. This sacred book says in the simplest way: 'there is no obligation in religion.'
    3. Will Dorant (born in 1885): Religious treatments in Quran contain worldly treatment too and all of its affairs are sent from Allah by revelation. Quran contains rules such as: good manners, healthiness, marriage, divorce, treatments with children and animals and slaves, commercials, politics, unlawful profit, debt, contracts, recommendations, industrial affairs, wealth, amercements and punishments and war and peace. Quran creates simple beliefs in simple souls, which are free from bad traditions and worship of idols. Quran has established principles of union discipline and social unity between Muslims.

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    12. Conclusion


    In conclusion, Islam is a rich and diverse religion that offers a wealth of inspiration and guidance for its followers. The values of compassion, justice, community, love for all, personal and social improvement, charity, honesty, forgiveness, modesty, and gratitude, among others, serve as a beacon of light for those seeking a meaningful and fulfilling life. Islam is more than just a set of beliefs and practices; it is a way of life that offers a path towards personal growth and positive contributions to society. While the above points provide a glimpse into the inspiring aspects of Islam, it is only a small part of the rich history and teachings of the religion.

    The Islamic faith is built upon the belief in the prophet Muhammad and his teachings, as recorded in the Quran. Muslims believe that Muhammad was chosen by Allah to bring a message of guidance and salvation to humanity. Through his teachings and actions, Muhammad provided a model for living a virtuous and meaningful life, and his message continues to inspire millions of people around the world today.

    One of the most notable events in the life of the prophet Muhammad was his condemnation of the practice of female infanticide, which was widespread at the time. He spoke out against this practice and encouraged his followers to show compassion and kindness to women and children, regardless of their gender. This was a radical message in a society that did not value the lives of women and girls, and it was instrumental in bringing about a change in attitudes towards women and children.

    Another important aspect of the life of the prophet Muhammad was his emphasis on justice and equality. He stood up against oppression and fought for the rights of marginalized communities, including the poor, widows, and orphans. He also emphasized the importance of treating all people with dignity and respect, regardless of their religion, race, or background.

    The life and teachings of the prophet Muhammad continue to inspire people around the world today, and his message of compassion, justice, and equality has been embraced by millions of Muslims who strive to live their lives according to his example. While there may be challenges and difficulties along the way, the example set by the prophet Muhammad remains a source of inspiration and hope for those seeking a meaningful and fulfilling life.

    Good deeds are a powerful way to inspire others and make the world a better place. By demonstrating kindness, generosity, and compassion, we can set an example for those around us and show that a better world is possible.

    Believing in the existence of Allah and that He created us for a reason is a powerful source of inspiration for many Muslims. Knowing that our actions will be judged after death can motivate us to live our lives in a virtuous and meaningful way.

    Prayer is an important aspect of Islam, and it can help us stay focused on our goals and priorities. Through prayer, we can seek guidance, forgiveness, and strength, and we can also express gratitude for the blessings in our lives.

    Remembering that our time on earth is limited is an important part of the Islamic faith. This can help us prioritize our goals and live each day to the fullest, while also making us mindful of our impact on the world around us.

    It is Sunnah in Islam to remember Allah in all aspects of our lives. This can be done through various forms of worship, including prayer, reading the Quran, and making duas (supplications).

    1. اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الشيطان وضعف قوتي - Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min ash-shaitan wa da'f qawwati. (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from Satan and my own weakness.)
    2. اللهم أعني على ذكرك وشكرك وحديثك - Allahumma a'ini ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatika. (O Allah, help me remember You, be grateful to You, and worship You in the best way possible.)
    3. رب اغفر لي وتب علي - Rabbighfirli wa tub 'alai. (My Lord, forgive me and turn towards me.)
    4. اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد - Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa 'ala ali Muhammad. (O Allah, send peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his family.)
    5. اللهم إني أسألك الهدى والتقى والعفاف والغنى - Allahumma inni as'aluka al-huda wa at-taqwa wa al-afafa wa al-ghina. (O Allah, I ask You for guidance, righteousness, self-restraint, and prosperity.)
    6. ، وأعوذ بك من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال - Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min al-hammi wa al-hazani, wa a'udhu bika min al-ajzi wa al-kasali, wa a'udhu bika min al-jubni wa al-bukhli, wa a'udhu bika min ghalabat ad-dunya wa qahr ar-rijal. (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and sadness, from weakness and laziness, from cowardice and stinginess, and from being overpowered by debt and oppression by men.)
    7. اللهم إني أسألك علما نافعا، ورزقا طيبا، وعملا متقبلا - Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilma nafi'an, wa rizqa tayyiban, wa 'amala mutaqabbalan. (O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is beneficial, for sustenance that is good, and for actions that are accepted.)
    8. اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الكبر، وأعوذ بك من عذاب القبر، وأعوذ بك من فتنة المحيا والممات - Allahumma inni a'udhu bika min al-kibr, wa a'udhu bika min 'adhabul-qabr, wa a'udhu bika min fitnat al-mahya wa al-mamat. (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from pride, from the punishment of the grave, and from the trials of life and death.)

    This dua is a reminder of the importance of humility and gratitude. It encourages us to seek protection from the dangers of arrogance, and to be mindful of our mortality and the ultimate judgment that awaits us in the hereafter. By seeking refuge in Allah, we can overcome our fears and live our lives with confidence and purpose.

    In conclusion, duas are an important way for Muslims to connect with Allah and seek His guidance and support in their daily lives. Whether we are facing.

    Islam is a comprehensive way of life that offers guidance and direction to individuals in all aspects of their lives. It is a faith that encourages individuals to strive for excellence and to be their best selves, by promoting values such as morality, compassion, and humility. The teachings of Islam provide a sense of peace, comfort, and direction, and help individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives.

    Islam also places a strong emphasis on community, and encourages individuals to help others and work towards the betterment of society. The faith provides a strong connection with the divine, and helps individuals establish a deep and meaningful relationship with their creator.

    Furthermore, Islam has a rich history and tradition, and has inspired countless individuals over the centuries to pursue knowledge, wisdom, and truth. From scientists to philosophers, and from ordinary people to those in need, Islam has provided guidance and comfort to many, and continues to inspire individuals to this day.

    In short, Islam is a comprehensive guide for life that offers answers to some of life's most pressing questions, and provides a sense of direction, peace, and comfort.

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Thank you for sharing this
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Hasham-dev @Hasham-dev
Glad you find it useful 😇
younes @younes
This is a great!
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