What do you want to achieve in 2023?
Light another fire under my arse……🔥
1. Decide on another “moonshot” project to get off the ground
Need to do triage on the ideas I have to determine which one to pursue beginning now into 2023 -part of my year end planning to retire certain things out of my life - I like to do things in “projects” not necessarily years, but taxes & financials operate on a calendar year
2. Become more minimalist
I’d like to be able to take off with a backpack to hike for an extended period of time (good grief, I may like my creature comforts too much to do this again!)
3. Since happiness doesn’t pay the bills
and moonshots take moola, I need to come up with a financial plan (some call these business plans - I call them financial plans) to hit the ground running - I feel like there’s no time to waste anymore (really there never was)
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