What experiences will become common in the next few years thanks to advances in AI and other technologies?
1. You will have regular voice conversations with AI
2. AI will be used as a therapist and friend
This was one of the themes of the movie “Her”
3. There will be stores and restaurants that are almost 100% automatic: no humans
4. AI responses will almost completely replace search engine results
People will not “Google” things very often.
5. AI will be used as an on demand teacher to learn almost anything
6. Humans would need advance professional driver’s licenses to be able to drive on the road with automatic cars
7. AI will create engaging dynamic entertainment
Start with a movie and turn it into a game and then into a comic book in real time.
8. Multi modal AI will be common
You will take pictures and video, voice, text and other data to get analyzed by AI
9. People that do not learn to consciously disconnect will become addicted
10. There will be industries dedicated to “unplugging “
Some would manage clubs and vacations, others would offer therapy.
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