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Ideas Post

What I Want to Achieve on Notepd in the Next 6 Months (June 10th, 2024)

This is a little message from December 10th, 2024, to my future self on the things I want to achieve on this platform. I will publish this list on the above date and see what happens between now and then (or then and now).

What I Want to Achieve on Notepd in the Next 6 Months (June 10th, 2024)

    1. Drastically Increase the Quality of My Posts

    I want to look back on the posts I first made when I joined NotePD and confidently declare that the stuff I'm making now is leagues better than what I originally came up with. More detailed, more deeply written, more interesting, and more relevant to you, dear reader.

    Ideally each post I make from now on is at least 1% better than my previous post. Realistically, I want to give each topic I write about enough time and care to be the best it can be.

    2. Drastically Increase the Quantity of My Posts

    I don't know if I'll ever post daily for months on end. Firstly, life happens, and secondly, I don't want to compromise on my standards just to maintain a meaningless streak.

    If I post just once a week, I would be way ahead of my posting rate in 2023.

    3. Have 340 Followers

    Is this possible? Yes. Is it probable? Well, I would have to drastically ramp up my posting of high quality lists and increase my engagement on other users' posts as well.

    4. Have at Least One Post With Over 10 Likes

    So far, my most liked post has 9 likes and is from two years ago. I think I can do better.

    5. Come Up With at Least One Idea That Enters the Public Consciousness

    That would be wild! Hopefully it's an idea that improves the world. Or at least an idea that doesn't make the world worse.

    6. Try to Collaborate With Another User Again

    I've tried to do this once in the past. Site glitches and inaction on my part led to this sadly falling through. I want to give this one more serious try if the right topic and circumstances come along.

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