What I Would Do If I Were The Last Man On Earth
1. "Steal" the nicest Sports Car I Could Find
And take it on the open road.
2. Try To Get An Amusement Park Running
and get on all the rides with no lineups.
3. Kill One of An Endangered Species
With humanity gone, I'm sure every other species will be just fine, there'll be plenty of them!
4. Read Books
Any library or bookstore I can get to is at my disposal and I'll never be interrupted
5. Get Drunk
I'd have to self-medicate for the loneliness, I'm sure
6. Investigate the Cause of Humanity's Collapse
In case I'm in a movie, and this is something achievable by someone without the necessary background
7. Arm Myself
Just in case of zombies or other potential hostiles
8. Keep a Log or Journal
For mental well-being and posterity, in case future/alien anthropologists/archeologists come along after I die
9. Try To Fight A Shark
See #3, plus I could conquer one of my fears, and if I lose, the shark gets a free meal.
10. Sit In The Oval Office
Occupy the seat of the most powerful individual in the world.
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