What would your 10 years old self be sad to know that you let go of or no longer do?
1. Drive my go-kart
I loved my go-kart so much. It was pure exhirliation. One of my top goals is too learn how to race cars.
2. Play with RC Cars
I assembled them from hundreds of pieces and then I'd tune and tweak them. I loved the building then playing aspect of them. Another goal of mine is to restore a 67 to 69 Camaro.
3. Climb Trees
If I wasn't driving my go-kart or playing with my RC cars I was in a tree. I was fearless when I was kid. I'd climb as high as I could possibly go (my dad sent me up with a tape measure one time - 97ft) and it was such an incredible feeling. Another goal is to climb Kilamanjaro.