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When it's hard to stay motivated, stay consistent

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” —Mark Twain

When it's hard to stay motivated, stay consistent

    1. If you can't stay motivated, just stay consistent.

    No matter what it is. Fitness. Health. Business. Making money. A a really great dog to share your life with. Other important relationships.

    You're not going to feel motivated everyday. You're just not. Let's get real about that.

    It's really easy to stop when you fall off of the routine one day. You lose your motivation.

    So maybe don't even think about staying motivated. Think about staying consistent.

    2. All or nothing usually ends up in nothing

    My world was once around a lot of professional athletes. They trained every day. Almost as if they were afraid that one day off would cause them to lose everything. While they had other "motivation" to keep going, I also watched as time to retire came. So many ended up either hanging on afraid to miss a day, or they just stopped. All or nothing.

    Same goes for people I work with training their dogs. They are gung ho. Then nothing.

    Just like the athlete living off of what they used to do, they end up with nothing. Fitness does not follow you no matter what. Same with the habits you show your dog whether it be jumping on people, walking on a leash nicely of going completely off leash. If you aren't consistent, it goes away.

    So maybe stay consistent applies here too.

    If you miss a day. Do it the next day. If you miss two days. Do it the next day. But whatever you do, don't quit altogether.

    3. Some is better than none

    Consistency doesn't have to mean a lot of time, distance or all of your energy.

    When I created Dog Life Unleashed Calming the Chaos it was to get consistent with a simple 20 minute walk every day with my dog so that I could motivate others to do the same. It turns out motivation is really about consistency.

    So many, including myself get caught up in that if you don't go big, you don't do it at all.

    Most people feel like a workout, a walk with the dog, training your dog takes a lot of time. It doesn't have to be that way. It takes consistency.

    Honestly a walk around the block is better than nothing at all. Doing a few minutes of dancing with your dog is going to be better than doing nothing at all and then wondering why this leash training thing is taking so long.

    A little bit most days is way better th

    4. A little bit most days gets you further than a lot on a few days

    Don't discount tiny habits. Imagine if you'd invested $1/day 20 years ago.

    So many would have so much more instead of waiting until they had a big wad of cash to invest. If you're waiting for the big accumulation and it hasn't happened it might have been disrupted by motivation, but had you been consistent with $1/day... just imagine.

    The same goes for the habits that honestly do reduce your anxiety, and build your investment in health, in fitness, in your finances and yes, in how you end up with a pure bred good dog no matter what size, shape or mixed breed they may be.

    Want help with consistency?

    Join the Dog Life Unleashed: Calming the Chaos Experiment and learn to tackle anxiety through a better relationship with your dog - and life.

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