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Where do you hope to be in 10 years?

I absolutely love this sort of challenge. Thanks for posting it @easymoneyme.

For most of our lives, we stumble our way into things - relationships, careers, where we live, hobbies, and more. Once we're there, we passively accept our situations, regardless if they align with our values or even if they make us happy. There may be some level of intention, but it's more circumstance.

Doing this kind of exercise, for me, pulls me out of the day-to-day slumber of life and makes me consider whether or not my daily, weekly, and monthly actions are driving me where I want to go...or if I'm just going whatever direction the traffic around me is traveling.

    1. I am living a quiet life in a small yet comfortable and beautiful cabin somewhere in a small town in the mountains of Arizona.

    Perhaps I'm stealing this idea from @randomroger?

    2. I am a successful (as defined by me) published author.

    3. I invest much of my days writing, as well as hiking and running the beautiful trails around my home.

    4. I am married to the woman of my dreams.

    5. I continue to be in peak physical condition. I run multiple marathons and ultra-marathons each year.

    6. I own an independent coffee shop in town where many of the locals, myself included, meet for kinship and amazing coffee.

    7. My wife and I travel with some regularity, exploring parts of the world that excite us.

    8. I invest my free time in researching various historical events that fascinate me. I sometimes travel to the locations these events took place to better study them.

    9. I invest my free time with great music - listening to recordings, attending live concerts, and performing with local musicians.

    10. At any given moment, I am content with my life, content with who I am, I feel I always have enough, and I am happily prepared to pass on to the next world at any time.

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