Where do you hope to be in 10 years?
Can be goals/achievements/milestones/anything.
I've had many hopes and dreams that never came to fruition. This is a good thing, as life itself gave me experiences more amazing than I could have imagined.
But if I were to look into my heart and project 10 years into the future, here's where I'd be:
I've been married and divorced. Relationships are difficult, but I've learned much more about life and I value true commitment.
The last time I did this I was studying for an MBA and we had just had our first child. I guess all my dreams came true, so it is always a worthwhile exercise. Rather than be repetitive all of these plans apply not just to myself but also to my wife and family and all our loved ones as it would be no fun if I was just on my own.
This irritated me so much that I decided to write a list. I'm angry at the state of the world. And it doesn't seem to be getting any better. So my list is my way to try to create a vision in my head of what I want in the future.
I don't know what. I just know I need to continue to make money after I retire.
I don't hope to be anybody in some years to.come but rather improving 1% daily that way will.take care of some years to come 10 years I might be dead
In 10 years I hope to alive at 85! My Dad died just before his 78th birthday.
Living my dreams
I absolutely love this sort of challenge. Thanks for posting it @easymoneyme.
For most of our lives, we stumble our way into things - relationships, careers, where we live, hobbies, and more. Once we're there, we passively accept our situations, regardless if they align with our values or even if they make us happy. There may be some level of intention, but it's more circumstance.
Doing this kind of exercise, for me, pulls me out of the day-to-day slumber of life and makes me consider whether or not my daily, weekly, and monthly actions are driving me where I want to go...or if I'm just going whatever direction the traffic around me is traveling.
Perhaps I'm stealing this idea from @randomroger?
Good idea for a challenge, forces us to look things a little differently maybe. As opposed to seeking big changes, I look more as things evolving, each thing moving onto its next chapter.
We have a pretty good home life, we enjoy each other's company, we love where we live, love our house and most importantly love each other.
Can be goals/achievements/milestones/anything.
The things I want to achieve are much different than I used to want!
For my age, in very good shape. I've never been one who looks great in a bathing suit, even when in elite shape, but I'd like to be able to play any sport I want, have no aches/pains beyond the norm, and to be able to run away from the cops, if needed....Want to join a nice gym with a sauna.
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