1. Why Women Lead the Way to Truth.
Truth is the timeless, changeless essence of all that is. It’s the immeasurable Peace of God, the ever-present Now. It’s pure Presence, Love beyond form, unshakable Connection, and the ultimate act of Forgiveness. Truth is beyond definition, stretching into infinity, more vast than any concept can contain. It simply is.
It’s no secret — walk into any room exploring Truth, and it’s packed with women. Why?
Women trust their gut. Intuition slices through intellectual nonsense and exposes the Truth.
(Men? They’re still trying to solve it like a math problem.)
Women feel the undercurrents most men overlook. When you’re in tune with emotions, Truth isn't some distant concept — it’s alive and screaming to be heard.
(Meanwhile, men are trying to read the manual.)
Conditioned to nurture, women grasp the idea of unity. They’re hardwired to see past the ego's lonely fortress.
(Men still think they’re the only ones on the battlefield.)
Women see the web of connections.'Oneness'? That's their language.
(Men? Still stuck in the “me vs. the world” mindset.)
Women crack wide open where men build walls. Vulnerability isn't weakness; it's the key to everything.
(Men think they're protecting themselves, but all they’re doing is blocking the view.)
Women know how deep conditioning goes because they’ve felt it. That awareness? It makes the Truth shine brighter.
(Men are still trying to figure out what’s wrong with the system.)
Women dive into healing, ready to transform. They’re not afraid to face the darkness and come out on the other side.
(Men slap a Band-Aid on it and keep moving.)
Ever wonder why more women awaken while men fumble in the dark? Simple —they're willing to look. While men keep searching outside themselves, women know the Truth was within them all along. (Go figure.)
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you
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