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Working as an Entertainer on a Cruise

I've often thought that being able to busk is a sort of survival skill. Everyone needs entertainment in their lives. I've only been on a few cruises and the entertainment was absolutely top notch. It would be difficult for me to compete with those bookings. But maybe there is an opportunity on the smaller ships or in the individual areas of the larger ones.

H/T @roccodesta for the idea

Working as an Entertainer on a Cruise

    1. Costumed Wandering Pirate

    Wouldn't it be fun to randomly run into Blackbeard or Sir Francis Drake as you strolled around the ship? I would want a photo for sure. Bonus if you have your own parrot.

    2. Spinning yarns

    Wouldn't you want to pull up a stool in the bar and listen to a grizzled ole salt spin a sea story or two? Interesting way to spend an evening.

    3. Authentic Sea Shanties

    Stories of the Seven Seas set to music.

    4. Close up Magic

    In the various dining spaces

    5. Give lectures on upcoming Ports of Call

    6. Give lectures about the Ship

    I've seen cruises where they offer "behind the scenes" tours. This would be a similar concept but without the roaming.

    7. Give lectures about the Sea, Sky, and Stars

    With a degree in Meteorology and Oceanography, this seems like a natural.

    8. Teach short classes on deck on the use of a sextant.

    9. Themed Impersonator

    Many cruises offer themed cruises covering all areas of pop culture. Why not be Elvis on a 50s cruise? Or assume the role of any other appropriate character.

    10. Living Statue

    The people who can do this amaze me. Especially when they have their sea legs.

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