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"You shall not commit adultery."

Greetings, fellow travelers on the path of awakening! In our last discussion, we explored how the Sixth Directive invites us to choose the path of love and forgiveness, recognizing our inherent oneness with all beings. Now, let's turn our attention to the Seventh Directive and explore what it truly means to not commit adultery.

    1. Seventh Directive: "You shall not commit adultery."

    This Seventh Directive may appear as a straightforward rule against sexual infidelity. But once again there is a much deeper perspective. This directive is pointing us toward the truth that love and completeness come from within, not from external relationships. When we seek fulfillment through others we are in a sense committing adultery against ourselves because we are turning away from the wholeness that is already present within us.
    The ego's belief in separation leads us to seek love outside of ourselves, in the form of romantic relationships, sexual experiences, and other forms of external validation. We believe that if we can just find the right partner, or have the perfect relationship, then we will finally feel complete.
    But the truth is that no external relationship satisfies the deep longing within us for love and connection. This is because we are already whole and complete by our oneness with God. When we seek love outside of ourselves we are simply reinforcing the ego's belief in separation and perpetuating a cycle of dissatisfaction.
    The Seventh Directive invites us to the love that is already present within us. It encourages us to cultivate a deep sense of self-love and self-acceptance. We are already whole and perfect, just as we are. This doesn't mean that we can't enjoy meaningful relationships with others.
    However, it does signify that we approach these relationships from a sense of wholeness rather than attempting to fulfill an imagined deficiency within ourselves.
    When we truly love ourselves we naturally extend that love to others. We show up in our relationships with an open heart offering love without expecting anything in return. True love isn't about possessing others but allowing them to be themselves while staying true to ourselves.
    So how can we practice this directive in our daily lives? Take a moment to connect with the love that is already present within you. Place your hand on your heart and take a few deep breaths. Allow yourself to feel the warmth and tenderness of your self-love.
    Practice extending love to others without expecting anything in return. Notice when you find yourself seeking approval from others and gently remind yourself that you are already whole, just as you are.
    As you go about your day, remember that true love and fulfillment come from within, not from external relationships and experiences.
    In the next part, we'll explore the Eighth Directive: "You shall not steal." Get ready to discover how this teaching invites us to examine our relationship with abundance and lack.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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