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"You shall not murder." (2 min 54 sec)


Welcome back, dear friends! In our last discussion, we explored how the Fifth Directive invites us to recognize the divine spark within our parents and all beings and to offer unconditional love and forgiveness. Now, let's dive into the Sixth Directive and explore what it means to "not murder."

    1. Sixth Directive: You shall not murder.

    This directive seems like a straightforward prohibition against taking another person's life, but there's a much deeper meaning at play. It's pointing us toward the ego's belief in separation, and how that belief leads us to cause harm to ourselves and others. When we view the world through the lens of separation, we see others as different from ourselves. We see others as separate entities that we can harm or destroy without consequence.
    But the truth is that we are all part of the one Mind of God, and there is no true separation between us. When we harm another, we are harming ourselves because we are all interconnected in the web of divine love.
    From this perspective, murder is not just a physical act, but an extreme expression of the ego's belief in separation. It's the idea that we can somehow destroy another person as if they were not an integral part of the whole.
    But the Sixth Directive invites us to see beyond this illusion of separation and recognize the inherent unity that underlies all of creation. It encourages us to examine how we create separation in our own minds through our thoughts, judgments, and actions.
    When we hold onto anger, resentment, or judgment towards another person, we are committing a form of murder in our minds. We are separating ourselves from them and denying their innocence. Similarly, when we engage in harmful actions or words, we are reinforcing the ego's belief in separation and causing harm to the whole.
    The Sixth Directive invites us to choose a different path, the path of love and forgiveness. It encourages us to see beyond the illusion of separation and recognize the divine essence within all. When we extend love to others, even in the face of seeming differences or conflicts, we align ourselves with the truth of our oneness.
    This doesn't mean that we condone harmful actions or allow ourselves to be harmed by others. Rather, it means that we choose to respond to the world with love and forgiveness, knowing that this is the only way to truly heal.
    So how can we practice this directive in our daily lives? Start by noticing the thoughts and judgments that arise in your mind towards others. When you find yourself feeling angry, resentful, or judgmental, take a moment to pause and reconnect with the truth.
    Practice extending forgiveness and compassion to those who have harmed you.  Their actions come from a place of fear and separation, not from their true nature. This doesn't mean condoning their actions or staying in harmful situations, but rather choosing to release the past.
    As you go about your day, remember that the path of love and forgiveness is not always easy, but it is the only way to truly heal.
    In the next part, we'll explore the Seventh Directive: "You shall not commit adultery." Get ready to discover how this teaching invites us to examine how we seek fulfillment and love outside of ourselves.
    I am sorry.
    Please forgive me.
    Thank you.
    I love you.
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